Synthesia training to youtube video

I do this post to remember from one time to another, how to set up this workflow.

Hardware: Mac with Catalina, Midi keyboard
Software: Soundtrap, Quicktime, Blackhole

Students watch a YouTube video on a device, i.e. Chromebook, as they practice direct the instrument.

How to:
  1. Record your song with your sound recording software, Logic, Soundtrap... etc.
  2. Export mid file from the application.
  3. Check your Synthesia app settings, decide where to dump your mid files.
  4. Do to import...
  5. Do the job in Synthesia, split into left/right hand + color-coding + tag keys
  6. * Record your screen & sound when you hit the "Watch and Listen" in Synthesia.
  7. Save recording and upload to YouTube
  8. Job done!
* Step 6 in details, Here's where you need the Blackhole hack. A virtual soundcard that routes the tunes from Synthesia direct into QuickTime. Choose ExistentialAudio Blackhole as the output source in your System Settings on the Mac, and as the input source for sound in QuickTime, then sounds travel directly from A to B without disruption.

Check out my test on YouTube.
