Google Classroom & "Lock down" Quizzes

A perfect tool to use for formative assessments and similar purposes!

To create a Google Form is pretty basic, sure it takes time, especially when you need to think to create tricky questions and make sure that you are clear enough when asking, etc...

But it's worth the time, Return of investment is guaranteed!

  • Students get instant feedback on their effort. You can design induvidual feedback for correct and/or faulty answers.
  • You easily pinpoint the students that need the help, they will stand out in the stats!
  • Once made Quiz, empty stats and recycle form for next class/year/...
  • Pretty slick in lockdown mode. No option for students to flip tabs and search for answers... AND yes it works in class with Chromebooks (only).
Give it a try. Pretend to be a student and join in on a Test class in Google Classroom.

2. Join Class - use code - psa39o
3. Do assignment, "Test your Space Skills"


Just do the Quiz, Use the Send function, copy the URL and paste into Schoolsofts planning tool. Job is done!

Good luck!
