Today is the annual Change Password day!

abc123abc - Time to change your password?

Time to change your password!

It's similar to the dentist thing... Once a year, Don't like it, but, it's better to safe than sorry?

What to think about when creating a new password?

  1. The most important thing is to keep it a secret!
  2. It's a myth that changing often is better than not changing. A good secure PWD is way better than a random stressed one!
  3. Your account(s) setup email password - should be unique. Newly generated lost passwords often go to that specific inbox... Play safe!!!
  4. A truly great password contains at least 15 keystrokes. 8 is a minimum!

How to create a good one?

First! - To create a new pwd is not equal to generate one and save in the browser! - The first thing any junior hacker does is to vacuum clean all your passwords saved in your web browser!

So, don't save passwords to any for you important/secure web pages in your web browser, period!

Now, one to the new password!

Favorite tip(s) is following

Come up with a totally fun/strange sentence, but still with a personal touch for any reason, that makes it simple enough to remember!


It's a pink Car parked in my bed

Then, create a password on the letters, please also transform a few letters to digits and throw in a few other cool keystrokes... Viola, you've just made a secure great password!


Now it is your turn - Go ahead! - Link to change google account pwd

Take it to the next level! 

Turn on Two-step authentication if it's available!

Finally, a scary link, check if your account has been pwnd. Just enter your mail to see your on the list. IF yes? - Please really... change your passwords!
